Your physical health has far reaching impacts on your mental health, your relationships, your work life balance and your overall happiness.
Joining The Vitality Program allows you to take your life into your own hands. Make your health your priority. Prepare for the future by seizing the present moment.
Establish your WHY, figure out your HOW, and make the COMMITMENT to begin your holistic health journey.
Learn how to work hard and play hard with Coach Elan’s holistic and comprehensive nutrition and training plans, customised to suit your lifestyle. Designed to create equilibrium in your week and to ease the pressures of daily life by boosting your mood and revitalising your body with each workout and plate of food.
What's inside The Vitality Program?
- Personalised Strength & Nutrition Plans
- 1-1 Coaching Sessions
- Up to 6 Group Workouts per week
- Weekly Support Calls
- Mindset Course on Creating a Sustainable Change
- Library of Coach Elan eBooks
- Community Day Hikes and Walks
The Vitality Program is not about changing who you are, but becoming the best version of yourself. Prices start from €300 per month.